Each player should bring $10, cash or check made out to Charlotte Ultimate.
We are asking all players to get there at 8:45am Saturday morning. The first game is at 9:30am. The last game will be finished by 1:30pm.
The games will played at Ramblewood Soccer Complex. We are on soccer fields 9 and 10, which are immediately to the left when you drive in.
What to bring
You can find some helpful info here. Please make sure to bring cleats, a white and dark (pref green) shirt or jersey, and water. No food is provided, so bring any snacks you may want.
We should get the schedule within the next day or so. Expect to play 3 or 4 games between 9:30am-1:30pm.
Myers Park M
Alex Cheek |
Braxton Phifer |
Charlotte Gay |
Damian Delgado |
Duncan Snider |
Grace Gay |
Lucas Jacksina |
Sam Morgan |
Myers Park P
Aaron Hill |
Andy Price |
Croft Hamilton |
Liam Sheaffer |
Miles Phillippi |
Minh Nguyen |
Mitchell Magas |
Sam Crown |