I am new to USA Ultimate, how do I get an account?
1) Go to: https://play.usaultimate.org/members/register/
2) Complete the required steps in Account Information, Personal Information, Demographics, and Emails/Alerts
3) Follow the instructions in "I have a USA Ultimate Account, how do I get a membership?"

I have a USA Ultimate account, how do I get a membership?
1) Sign in: https://play.usaultimate.org/members/login/
2) Click "Pay My Dues/USAU Membership"
3) Select the "Youth" membership
4) Go back to: http://play.usaultimate.org/members/
5) Click "Waiver"
6) Complete the waiver

How do I confirm my status on a USAU team?
1) Sign in: https://play.usaultimate.org/members/login/
2) Click "Pending Actions/Notifications"
3) Confirm all player notifications

What should I bring to practice?
- Cleats (if you have them)
- A full water bottle
- Both a light and a dark (not gray) shirt
- A disc (if you have one)
- Weather appropriate clothes

What should I bring to a game?
- Cleats (if you have them)
- A full water bottle
- MP jersey OR both a light and a dark (not gray) shirt
- A disc (if you have one)
- Weather appropriate clothes

What should I bring to a home tournament?
- Cleats (if you have them)
- A full water bottle
- MP jersey OR both a light and a dark (not gray) shirt
- A disc (if you have one)
- Weather appropriate clothes
- Sunscreen
- Food, snacks, etc.
- $$ if there is tournament gear or food for sale

What should I bring to a travel tournament?
- Cleats (if you have them)
- A full water bottle
- MP jersey OR both a light and a dark (not gray) shirt
- A disc (if you have one)
- Weather appropriate clothes
- Sunscreen
- Food, snacks, etc.
- $$ if there is tournament gear
- $$ for meals
- Whatever essentials you need for a night or weekend away from home