Wednesday, October 29, 2014

3v3 Tournament November 22nd

Latin is hosting their annual 3v3 tournament on Saturday November 22nd.  There is a high school division in the morning attended by teams from all over the state.  Playing will happen in the morning from around 9am until 1pm.

Please fill out the form below so that we can determine how many teams to send.

The form can also be accessed through this link.

If you're curious what to bring to a tournament, check out the FAQ page.

This tournament will serve as the end of practices and playing until 2015.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Charlotte Latin Tourney Oct 25th

Charlotte Latin is hosting a few teams this Saturday for games.  Details:

9am: Players should be ready to start warmups
10am: Game vs Charlotte Christian
11am: Game vs Country Day
12pm: Game vs Weddington

What to bring:
- Cleats
- Water bottle
- MP Jersey OR a white and dark (not grey) shirt
- Any sustenance desired during playing
- Weather appropriate clothes (forecast is 50s/60s during the games)

Good luck!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Fall Practices

The fall season is off to a great start.  Practices are held every Tuesday from 6-8pm at Charlotte Secondary.  Location is here. These are casual practices to introduce new kids to the sport and team.